Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twycross Zoo visit

Dear Sophia,

I finally managed to get all of the pictures from our trip to Twycross Zoo downloaded from my camera , so I thought it might be fun to put some of them on your blog. It was definitely a fun day out and lucky for us the weather cooperated and the rain did not come until we were on our way home.

I liked this guy a lot. He did not seem bothered at all by all of the visitors. He just hung around and watched everyone going by and posed for pictures

My favourites were definitely the two tortoises. But they could not seem to figure out if they were coming or going!

And I was getting a bit worried that you were going to climb in and help them sort it out. Hopefully they worked it out in the end.

Twycross Zoo is a very well known Primate Centre..so there was obviously lots of monkeys and apes. Luckily this gorilla was not real or else I'm not sure how he would have taken to you sitting on him!!

But this guy definitely was real!

I think on of your favourite things at Twycross Zoo (other than the meerkats and prairie dogs) was the elephants.

And I thought it was especially interesting that these elephants were fro Sri Lanka and that the elephant enclosure was made to look like a bit of the Sri Lank-an habitat.

Love Jason

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