Monday, November 23, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


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Dear Sophia

My local Tescos Supermarket in Shanghai sells frogs in the deli section! It sounds very yucky too me but lots of people seem to like them for dinner!

Love Jason

The Beijing Forest Hotel

Dear Sophia,

The last few days I have been staying at a hotel in a forest by the city of Beijing, which is the capital city of China.

This hotel is at the bottom of some small mountains, and every morning I have been following the path behind the hotel up to a pagoda (which is a word that means shelter), at the top of one of the mountains. From here you can see all across the city and surrounding valleys.

From here there is a path along that takes you along a ridge, to another pagoda on an even taller mountain.

I followed the path to this other Pagoda and from here the views were even better, and there was another path that weaved and curved downwards into the valley. I decided to follow this path down and do you know what I found at the bottom of it? A nature centre full of different types of animals!

On the first day I did my walk, I came across lots of different people walking along the paths up and down the mountains. Because I do not speak Chinese, I could only smile and wave, rather than talking to the people I met.

That evening I sat down with my Chinese dictionary and decided to learn the words in Chinese to say ‘Good Morning!’ The words are:


The next day, I walked the path up the mountain again and along the way I ran into people and said …zow-shang-how.

I think they were very surprised.

Love Jason